Probably nothing – Part I

probaly nothing

He stopped. He turned suddenly looking back … nothing. He turned onwards, and saw nothing. Unbelievable! He thought. There was nothing ahead. Well, that was where he was heading to, as he restarted walking. Absolute North! Zero, zero, zero! He he he, he laughed! It looked as though some magnetic force was pulling him towards North.

He stopped and tried to see as further he could, protecting his eyes from the extreme bright light of a midday shining sun of the Sahara, using the palm of his right hand upon his eyebrows… Nope! Nothing he could see, apart from the sun and the clouds of sand, (for those were golden colored), that blinded him, nothing! Nonsense! He murmured. There is everything! His house, his family, his buddies, his… where he worked, yes, why? That’s right! But then, he could not understand, how come…?

He spat sand out of his dried lips… how come he sensed something? Right here, right now! He shouted silently. He meant… that is stupid! Yes! He agreed. Maybe he was just getting crazy. After all he had not eaten for ages and… forget it! His tongue felt like sandpaper in his mouth, and he tried to ignore it, but the horrible feeling would not leave him. He kept walking. But it was not walking any longer. It was more the walk of a Gentile, with nothingness in his mind; rather stumbling from left to right, up and down, from dune to dune.

He stopped abruptly, turning his entire body 180° in a screw move and felt his boots sinking in the hot sand underneath, as though he was going to surprise someone or something, right behind him… Nope! He thought disappointed – Nada, sifr, niente, rien du tout, gar Nichts, absolutely nothing! He would swear though… something or somebody… he paid better attention, sharpening his eye. He even stopped breathing for a minute or two, until he started hearing his own heart pounding, bu-bum, bu-bum, pumping blood in his thoughts, the pressure in his forehead tut, tut… hum, hum – apart from his own shadow and the footprints he left behind him making an almost perfect line in interrupted ups and downs upon the dunes, nothing.

What do you mean nothing? He asked himself almost offended. Alone for the dunes, and there are thousand if not millions of them, and do not they make a beautiful contrast with the clean blue sky… God! Wasn’t that Wonderful? Yes he was able to see that because the sun was behind him. Speak of the devil… he made a gesture to lose his shirt that was sticking to his back and cooking his dehydrated body, he felt he was becoming a mummy… He was so overwhelmed contemplating Nature… That, what he saw, was a Masterpiece! That must be what Art is all about. That was what all artists where after, after all… That was surely something! And each dune carrying billions if not trillions of sand grains… each grain a cosmos, beautiful for itself. Trillion? He could not figure the number, how many zeros it takes to make a trillion – 12? 18? 1012 or 1018? How come? – He never saw a trillion before… And surely not in a dune, but perhaps within a cubic meter… He would have to rely on the quondam teachers who came up with such figures, and maybe they knew how many grains a dune carried… Obama let us be acquainted with a similar number, the U.S. National Debt, he could not recall. And again was it billions or trillions? A big number with loads of numbers on the right side that were not necessarily zeros…

And he felt sad for his ignorance. He did not know how many zeros a trillion carried, and how many trillions a dune carried on its turn. So many things he did not know… Ha, ha, ha! He laughed. He would be twice or three times a trillionaire if he filled his pockets of sand and each grain a dollar or Euro worth – it did not matter much, after the first six zeros. Why? No! Not that he was economizing zeros. He just did not wanted to waste numbers in vain… Maybe he had just thought it would be enough for a simple man in a life time. And that made sense, or is it not what Economy was all about?…

To be continued…

more about the artist

more about mjf

mjfaustino contests

mjfaustino contests is now at new exhibition Aussellung

I will be having some artworks of mine to be rated in eventual contests I am taking part in. Please just click the images to rate! I have merged two pages; so “mjfaustino contests” is now part of  “new exhibition Ausstellung”  in my homepage.

abOrndnung (secondment, Order)

mjfaustino contests

please click the images to vote!

Mario Faustino in culture inside


mjfaustino rooted in culture inside

…………………… end ………………….

And I applied with one artwork to Mille artisti a Palazzo the 1000 artists art contest


The weird Kid

He was just like any other kid. He thought and saw things in general the same way other kids did. Something wrong about him though. He thought bitterly. It was just the way he moved that did not look right. The way his whole body bent in a strange curve as he walked. His right arm made strange figures to and forth, up and down – it looked just awful! That was probably why he did not have any friends! He went on sadly thinking…

His classmates did not sit on his side unless there were not any other places available. He did not mind that – he knew they called him “weird!” and in the end he was just happy he could go to school.

Back in his room, he would spend hours rehearsing “cooler” movements he copied from the lads he admired that resulted in a disaster anyway. But he was not aware of that. He would try to look cool before the mirror thinking on this or that lad sending facial orders his distorted face could not follow or would just not obey. And he would try to sound spontaneous: “Yeah! I see just what you mean!” – And he would laugh aloud, trying to imagine himself among his colleagues in a collective outburst of good mood.

I am just the narrator, boy did it not hurt? Witnessing that as I am writing… It just breaks my heart.

Then he would look around, pretending he was looking for the waiter until he would find one. And he would go as far as ordering another beer saying: “Same again, please!” And then…

And then he would just sit back down on his bed, and cried the hell out of himself, weeping incessantly until his mother came into his room as usually and took him in her arms. “What is it my son? C’mon! Everything is going to be alright! You know that?”



Artists For Freedom

Art Exhibition from Artists For Freedom in Galileo Park in Sauerland Germany to which I am contributing with two artworks, namely citizen of the world and Frau mit Maske. It’ll be an exciting experience… 

1. OFFIZIELLE AUFTAKTVERANSTALTUNG VON UND MIT ARTISTS FOR FREEDOM . Kunstausstellung, Lesungen, Live Musik, Video Präsentation und AFF Kids Art 29. Mai – 29. Juni 2010  Artists for Freedom Auftaktveranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem Galileo-Park 29. Mai 2010 19:00 Uhr AFF Eröffnungszeremonie “The Take-off!” – Nur für geladene Gäste! 
29 May – 30 June Official Opening Event of Artists For Freedom Exhibition with live music and other happenings… click graphics for more! On the 29th. Start Up Show only for invited guests. You can watch a video from all AFF artits & their artworks and both my contributions here below or at my mjf YouTube

My contributions to the AFF Project "citizen of the world" 

and "Frau mit Maske"

I‘ll be updating my Blog and Homepage as well as my WordPress with more Information videos and press releases as I learn more… Thank you very much for taking the time!

related linx: mjf official homepage . mjf wordpress . Artists For Freedom

Artists For Freedom

New Exhibition from Mario Julio Faustino Artists For Freedom in Galileo Park in Sauerland Germany

Info Galileo Park

29. Mai – 29. Juni 2010 The 29th May – 29 1st June 2010 Official opening event of Artists For Freedom  .1. OFFIZIELLE AUFTAKTVERANSTALTUNG VON UND MIT ARTISTS FOR FREEDOM . Kunstausstellung, Lesungen, Live Musik, Video Präsentation und AFF Kids Art VORSCHAU UND TICKETINFORMATION . HOTELS (Alojement) . You can watch a video from all AFF artits & their artworks and both my contributions at my mjf YouTube

My contributions to the AFF Project “citizen of the world”
and “Frau mit Maske”
I’ll be updating my Blog and Homepage as well as my WordPress with more Information videos and press releases as I learn more… Thank you very much for taking the time!

related linx: mjf official homepage . mjf wordpress . AFF

A Book About Death


Curated by Sonja Benskin Mesher. 27 April – 8 May 2010

Above, my contribution Artwork. Both 15 cm x 10 cm postcards (imprints). The graphics are linked to sites at my homepage where you can see the techniques and the Artwork from which I developed the entire graphic work until the final art – the postcards… Generally all graphics are linked to more information as is the case of the MOMA Wales homepage graphic. In my wordpress I will publish more about ABAD, updates photos videos press releases as I learn them.

Thank you very much for taking the time!

related linx: mjf official homepage . mjf wordpress . moma wales

A Book About Death


Curated by Sonja Benskin Mesher. 27 April – 8 May 2010. Above, my contribution Artwork. Both 15 cm x 10 cm postcards (imprints). 

The graphics are linked to sites at my homepage where you can see the techniques and the Artwork from which I developed the entire graphic work until the final art – the postcards… Generally all graphics are linked to more information as is the case of the MOMA Wales homepage graphic. 

In my wordpress (s. graphic below) I keep a more detailed article with more news and related links about ABAD, (updates photos videos press releases as I learn them).Thank you very much for taking the time!

related linx: mjf official homepage . mjf wordpress . moma wales

MIRCA Book Project Planet Earth Planet Art

Ninety-five artists present their artwork as a voice raised to bring awareness of the urgent problems of the imbalanced lifestyles and unsustainable environmental consumption we humans face, accompanied by a personal statement which brings the clarity of the artist to these problems.

These artists come from (…) all over the world (…) with contributions from East and West, from the developed and developing worlds. (…) this book is a must-have for any art lovers wishing to experience the insights of artists addressing the greatest issue that mankind faces today: the protection and sustainability of our Planet Earth and the biodiversity that dwells upon it.

My Artwork “black on white” in PEPA book

About the Author

Friends Of The Earth International Worldwide
Publish Date  February 10, 2010
Dimensions  Standard Landscape 208 pgs
Category   Arts & Photography

Planet Earth Planet Art
By Mirca Art Group and Bruce Rimell
related linx: mjf journal & mjf wordpress


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2010 with Health Love Peace and Prosperity!
May all your dreams come true!
I have made a small bookmark for you! mjf
click 2 get it!

mjf bookmark souvenir for your readings

Please click the graphic above to see your souvenir from mjfaustino arsatelier for this Christmas and for your readings in the New Year just to show how much I appreciate your being around and your friendship! Happy Holidays! mjf